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Business Awards


Nominate in the following categories:


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Fall 2024 Postcards
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Female Leadership

Nominee(s) must have demonstrated excellence in their field. In addition, they must be acting in a leadership capacity and have demonstrated leadership qualities in enhancing entrepreneurship for women.



The nominee(s) must be a business that is a part of a franchise and operates under a franchise agreement. They have shown a dedicated focus on achieving a community-forward approach to operations and are consistently involved in giving back to the local community and supporting regional initiatives.

Emerging Entrepreneur

The nominee(s) must have demonstrated bravery by opening their business within the past 5 years. As well, nominees in this category must be sustainable in nature and show growth potential.

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Indigenous-Owned Business

The nominee(s) must be a business that is owned and operated by Indigenous individuals or communities. They support Indigenous cultural values and create opportunities for supporting and growing their communities.

Corporate Social Collaboration

The nominee(s) must be a business that demonstrates a robust corporate-social responsibility program and promotes impact within the community through work with the social-profit organizations and volunteer programs found within Wood Buffalo. The winner will be one that is incredibly collaborative and committed to ensuring a better community.

Environment & Sustainability

Nominee(s) must have demonstrated outstanding leadership in economic, social, charitable, or environmental activities. They have shown a dedicated focus on achieving a vision and mandate aligned with ongoing contributions to the environment and/or sustainability.



The nominee(s) must be an individual under the age of 30. The nominee(s) must have played a direct and primary role in the planning and establishment of the business, and must be currently operating in a leadership capacity.




BOD 23-24

The nominee(s) must be a business that successfully pivoted in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic or changing business environment in innovative ways that allowed their business to show growth or sustainment during closures and economic or pandemic challenges.

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Lifetime Business Achievement

The nominee(s) must be an individual (or duo if appropriate). This award is to recognize a business leader’s contributions over their whole career, rather than a single contribution or time.


Hospitality and Tourism Business

This award recognizes the active role of the nominee(s) in the development of the local tourism industry, making Fort McMurray-Wood Buffalo a place to visit. The nominee(s) could have a business in the following areas: accommodations, restaurants/cafes, recreational facilities, attractions, etc.

The Categories of Small, Medium and Large Businesss of the year are decided by an independent ajudication panel from the winners in the various award categories

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Large Business of the Year

Excellent Business with over 100 Employees.



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People's Choice Small Business of the Year

Excellent Business with less than 20 Employees.


Medium Business of the Year

Excellent Business with over 20 and less than 99 Employees.



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People's Choice Medium-Large  Business of the Year

Excellent Business with over 20 Employees.


Small Business of the Year

Excellent Business with less than 20 Employees.


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Business Leader of the Year

Business Leader

About the Nominees

The nominee(s) have enhanced the quality of life for the community, and attracted people to the area. They will have promoted and added vibrancy to the well-being, health, and development of the community. The nominee(s) have demonstrated long-term community engagement, and have taken opportunities to showcase the region through marketing and community events, and/or programs. As well, they have promoted cultural activities, tourism, and/or sporting events.

While nominees in all category will be determined by the Committee based on the predetermined criteria, the winner of the People’s Choice category will be determined by public ballot.

About the Award Process

To be eligible as a valid nominee in any category your business must:

  • Maintain operations in the Wood Buffalo region at the time of awards
  • Have not won in the category in the past three years
  • Within the past 2 years:
    • Contributed significantly and demonstrably to the economic and social well-being of Wood Buffalo
    • Evidenced sustained financial viability, growth and success
  • And have derived no more than 30% of annual revenue from any combination of donations, grants and/or subsidies.

All nominations are reviewed & evaluated by an independent judging committee made up of local, qualified members of the business community.

Their mandate is to objectively determine the finalists and ultimately the winner in each category based on the applicable criteria outlined.

In that regard, all nominees will be evaluated as follows:

  • People & Clients - This criteria explores the business relationship internally with employees and externally with clients
  • Profit & Growth - This criteria explores the history and future plans for growth
  • Community Involvement - This criteria relates to the social aspect of business extending to the community
  • Global Community & Sustainability - This criteria relates to aspects of business that extends to an awareness of business as it relates to the larger global community
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